My Testimony
of What Jesus Has Done in My Life
Before Christ!
Like many people in the United States (and in the Bible belt in particular), I grew up going to church. At a young age, I had read the Bible straight through a couple of times. But I had a hard time understanding what I read. The stories were cool, but God seemed distant from me. And Jesus, with his preoccupation with his own death, made even less sense to me. Nevertheless, like many people, I tried to appease God - not break too many rules (especially "big ones") and go to church. I was a "pretty good kid," but far from perfect.
I started working at age 16 (for Target Stores). That kept me very busy. Alot of hobbies and extracurricular activities started taking a back seat. But, I had alot of money as a result (at least for a kid). I bought my own car, TV, VCR (they were still a pretty new thing back then), and computer (which was also a pretty cool and new thing back then). I had alot of neat things, but I never had time to play with them and it seemed pointless.
Meeting Christ!
Then something happened my senior year in high school (1986). I worked most Sundays, but managed to get one off. Even more unusual, I decided to go back to church (something I did seldom after I started working). At church we had a new youth director (Steve Crosby). But it wasn't just him - he had alot of friends with him. They came early and sat a few seats apart. When we (the youth) came in, our cliques couldn't sit together. These guys were different. They were happy and excited about Jesus. They also cared about our lives. They had something I wanted - true friendship, joy, and contentment. And Jesus seemed to be the center of all that.
As it turned out, I was able to get off the next few Sundays (very rare in retail). In fact, my work schedule kept taking "unusual changes" that allowed me to be more involved with the youth group at church. Someone I always thought was so distant was causing great things to happen.
I began to hear the gospel message, and understand it. The Lord was speaking to me. I saw that all had sinned (missed the mark of godly perfection). The wages of sin is death (separation from God). I couldn't appease God. In fact, even my good deeds "stunk" before him (to be blunt and truthful). But, God still loved me so much that he made a way to bring me into a right relationship with him. He became a man (Jesus), lived a perfect life, and died for my sins. He switched places with me and died for my sin. He did that because he loved me and wanted a relationship with me - even though I didn't deserve it. I wasn't good enough to save myself, and couldn't be. All I could do was quit trying to save myself and put my trust in him for salvation.
The Lord was speaking this to my heart all morning that first Sunday. At the end of church, I went to the front, even though there was no "altar call." I didn't fully understand what Jesus had done in my life. But, I was convicted of sin (I wasn't good enough to save myself). And, I put my trust in Jesus' finished work on the cross. I put my trust in Jesus for my salvation. It was then, that something changed! Christ came into my life and my whole outlook and perspective on life changed! I was born again, a new creation in Christ, with God as my Father!
Since Christ Came into My Life!
My life has changed more and more since then. When I read the Bible, I hear the Lord speaking to me through it. Each day, I become less and less certain about many things in this world. But, I become more and more certain of things in Christ and of his love for me! My plans and directions have also changed alot since I met Christ. At times, I foolishly have resisted God's plans and direction. But, each time I learn more and more that his plans and his ways are better than mine. And I continue to learn to a greater and greater degree to put my trust and security in Christ and not in myself!